May 09, 2024

We're 6 months from the election, so it's time for biden to...

...sell off more millions of barrels of oil from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve to bring gas prices down.

Most of you have forgotten (if you ever knew) that for six months before the 2022 mid-term elections, biden ordered his Energy Department to sell a MILLION barrels of oil from the SPR every DAY to drive world oil prices down.

Of the 638 million barrels in the Reserve, the biden regime sold 291 million, bringing the amount of oil in the Reserve to 347 million barrels.

Of course lyin' biden promised to refill the SPR as soon as oil prices fell to $72 per barrel.  And sure enough, oil prices fell as low as $69 per barrel.  The regime ordered the DOE to buy a modest five million barrels (recall he sold off 291 million).  But then after the regime got the positive PR from announcing the refill, *the White House cancelled the purchase.*

Now biden's "energy adviser" Amos Hochstein says
>>"We have been replenishing into the SPR for the last several months.  I think we have sufficient supply in the SPR to address any kind of concern in the economy if we need it."  
Ah, "We've been replenishing into the SPR," y'say?  I used to be in the oil business, and still follow the world market, and I hadn't heard of any notable buys recently.  So Amos, how much of the 291 million barrels Porridgebrain sold off has he bought back, eh?

Turns out they've "replenished" 20 million of the 291 million he sold off--to lower gas prices so the Dems would get more votes in the mid-terms.

For the math-challenged, 20 million barrels is a bit under seven percent of what Porridgebrain sold off.  So "replenishing" sounds much like the regime's claim that "inflation has been defeated" or "the economy is booming!"

Also sounds as though Hochstein is setting up the claim that the regime could *sell off even more oil from the Reserve*...if needed.  And why might it be "needed"?

For the same reason the regime ordered it before the 2022 mid-terms: To give biden an election boost.


Everything the biden regime and the Media told you about covid was a lie. *Everything*

Chris Cuomo is the brother of former NY Democrat governor Andrew Cuomo (forced out for sexual assault) and son of former NY Democrat governor Mario.  He's also stupid, but with that sort of Democrat pedigree CNN was eager to hire him and give him his own hour-long show every weeknight.

He partnered with the equally stupid and corrupt Don Lemon, and the result was liberal heaven, though total lies.

For example: After the Chyna virus arrived, Trump mentioned a possible cure called "ivermectin"--a drug that had won its discoverer the Nobel Prize for medicine.  It was approved for human use in 1983 or so, as an "anti-parasitic agent." The CDC even published the recommended dose for African immigrants to the U.S.  The drug was also used to treat parasites in horses and cattle.

But since Trump had suggested it might be effective against the Chyna virus, Cuomo and Lemon fell all over themselves ridiculing the idea, sneering at the drug.  They "knew" that nothing Trump suggested could possibly be effective against such a *deadly* virus.  They sneered--and never mentioned the fact that the drug had been approved by our FDA in 1983 and had won the 2015 Nobel prize for medicine--which would have gotten a few people thinking maybe Trump might be right.  Ooohh, can't have that.

Then Karma arrived, and things got far more interesting.

Like all true believers, Chris had taken the "vaccine."  And the booster.  And still got covid.  He recovered, then got mysterious symptoms--brain fog--that he believes is "long Covid."  And suddenly he says he's taking...wait for it...ivermectin.

Wait, Chris, didn't you and your moronic gay sidekick Lemon absolutely assure your viewers that ivermectin was useless, even dangerous because you said it was a "horse de-wormer," deliberately, maliciously refusing to tell your equally stupid viewers that "our own" (ha) FDA had approved it for human use back in 1983?

Why yes, you lying pig-headed rat-bastard, you did.   Your corrupt brother killed 15,000 nursing home residents by ordering nursing homes to admit people with covid, and now your sneering at Ivermectin helped the biden regime get away with seizing all Ivermectin and preventing Americans with covid from taking it.

Now Cuomo's stance on Ivermectin as a theraputic drug for COVID-19 has magically reversed: the smug, know-it-all talking head-- who once bleated on his hour-long shitshow that anyone promoting Ivermectin should be "shamed"--now says he's taking it to deal with with his own symptoms of "long covid."

Cuomo said. "We were given bad information about Ivermectin."  But did you try doing even the most cursory research to find out it was approved by the FDA, or won the Nobel?  Either you did and just ignored those facts, or you didn't, in which case you're incompetent.  Pick one.

Even now Chris doesn't want to tell you the truth about where the "bad information" about Ivermectin came from:  It came from the biden regime and all its lackeys, like Fauci and Deborah Birx and Rochelle Wallensky [head of the CDC].  The regime used Dem state governors to threaten to yank the medical licenses of any doctor who prescribed the FDA-approved, Nobel-prize-winning drug. Those same Dem governors threatened to yank the license of any pharmacist who filled a prescription for it.

And now the lying biden propagandist Chrissy is taking the drug he repeatedly said was useless--a "horse de-wormer."

Here's Chrissy now:
>> The entire medical community knew Ivermectin couldn't hurt you. They knew it.  But they didn't say anything.

Here's his moronic sidekick, the impossibly arrogant Don Lemon a couple of years ago:
>>"People are getting, injecting, drugs for animals, and horse..."
    "And people telling them to!" Cuomo interjected. "A de-wormer? Really? ... they need to be shamed. They need to be called out and shamed, brother."

"Journalists"--who know almost no real science--claim that only "experts" should offer advice about technical subjects, but then they proceed to tell people what The Science (TM) supposedly is.  Of course they don't know, so they just parrot what a paid government lackey tells 'em.  

Either the talking heads are too naive or dumb to recognize that the regime may be lying, or they do realize it but are willing to play along to stay on the regime's good side.

Did CNN ever interview a single one of the hundreds of real doctors who said Ivermectin worked, or that the so-called "vaccine" was ineffective and dangerous?  Even ONE?

No, it didn't.  The Democrats and their Mainstream Media lackeys had one agenda: to sneer at President Trump, get Americans to and mobilize the agencies of the Deep State to make it impossible for Americans to use an FDA-approved, Nobel-prize-winning drug that scores of real doctors said cured covid in a couple of days.

The Media countered by bleating "Those pipo aren't real doctors, just folks trying to make money selling snake oil."  None of the regime's lackeys ever bothered to debate the actual findings by the pro-Ivermectin docs, because in any public debate they'd have to admit that the drug was FDA and CDC approved for human use 40 years ago.

They couldn't allow that.

These self-described Experts In Nothing But Being Arrogant media talking heads all sneered that a drug developed for humans, a drug so powerful that its development was awarded a Nobel Prize in medicine in 2015--was just a "horse de-wormer" and "horse paste."

Short answer:  Most "journalists" wouldn't know a milliliter from a cubic centimeter (yes, that's a joke), and yet believe they're experts on everything they bleat.  They're all arrogant blowhards with an agenda, yet they think they "know Science."


Dem senator says FBI and CISA are discussing removing posts on social media--again

Mark Warner is a Democrat senator from Virginia, and chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee.  He's been there for decades and his track record is awful.  On Monday he told reporters that "federal agencies such as the FBI and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)" have re-started discussions with social media about “removing disinformation on their sites as the November presidential election nears.”

Warner claimed these discussions began in March.  It's now May, and this is the first time you've heard about it.  The biden regime didn't want you to know, cuz this is how the Deep State pressured social media to delete posts and accounts critical of biden.

When the Federalist quoted Warner's remarks to an FBI rep, and asked if Warner was correct, the bureau confirmed that the accuracy.

For terminally gullible Democrats: The story of the FBI/DOJ and CISA pressuring social media to delete posts the Dems didn't like is not a "conspiracy story" or speculation.  We know that because after Musk bought Twatter he allowed independent reporters to comb thru thousands of emails from the FBI to Twitter employees, which showed that the FBI was pressuring Twatter to delete any stories that would hurt biden.

They FBI did the same with Fakebook.  That was admitted by Zuckerberg himself, captured on video.

One of the Deep State's biggest corrupt "wins" from their pressure was to get twatter and Fakebook to delete all posts that mentioned the story of Hunty's abandoned laptop, with its thousands of pics of Hunty using drugs with hookers, and tens of thousands of emails showing Hunty was acting as bribe collector for Joe.

(Yes, yes, I know: "Hunty has never been a government official, so he can do anything he wants.  Doesn't mean anything!"  Yeah, no: How would the Media have treated this if the man in the pics had been one of Trump's sons?  Spare me, you fucking hypocrites.)

It's worth noting that the FBI and CIA were pressuring social media to delete posts that would hurt biden *when Trump was president.*  So imagine how much more pressure the FBI and CISA and CIA will put on social media now that the biden regime and the Democrats are ruling the country.

It's also significant that neither the FBI nor CISA would answer when asked when they had re-started discussions with social media companies about deleting future posts that the regime claimed were “disinformation” or what other federal agencies they are collaborating with in their efforts to have “disinformation” removed from social media platforms.  

Most significant: neither agency would say how they decide what constitutes “disinformation.”

Now: When a high-ranking Democrat senator like Mark Warner says the FBI and CISA are "having discussions" with social media to get them to delete posts the regime doesn't like, that's called an "admission against interest," so you can believe it's even worse.

This is exactly what the FBI was doing in 2020.  They got slapped down by the Supreme Court, but apparently they didn't care, cuz they're doing it again now.  The steal is on.


May 08, 2024

Crazy feminist claims men randomly attacking womyn in NYC are all...MAGA supporters!

"Salon" is a far-left, Democrat-fellating waste of electrons.  One of its featured writers is a crazy named Amanda Marcotte, who makes people like AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and Rashida Tlaib look rational. every single indicator of the quality of life in America plummets, and more voters are blaming the corruptocrat in the White House, Amanda and her editors at Salon have been forced to search for a new meme to scare voters away from Trump--and they've found it.

If you read New York websites (you most likely don't) you may have seen dozens of videos of black males in the leftist shithole of NYC punching random women on the sidewalk.  Many of the attackers turn out to be clearly drugged out or crazy, but Amanda has found what she claims is the REAL link between the attacks.  Here's Salon's headline to her absurd propaganda piece:

"Men punching random women in NYC: A desperate last gasp of the male rage fueling MAGA"
Didja get that, citizen?  Amanda (and Salon) bleat that these random attacks are actually being done by...wait for it...angry MAGA supporters.

And because Salon is one of the disseminators of Dem talking points, you can expect this utter horseshit to be echoed by every other Mainstream Media outlet--because it makes independent voters less likely to vote for Trump (which is the whole purpose).

Men are punching random women on the streets of New York City. As usual with these stories, much is unknown, including how many [attackers] are involved and whether it's at all coordinated.  But what we do know is alarming: Women report being assaulted by men of different races and ages.

Really?  I follow NYC media closely and have yet to see a single report of a white male attacking a random woman.  And you can bet that if there was one, the Lying Media would put it on Page One.

It's not surprising that these stories have gone viral.  Most women have experience with men who berate them for paying attention to something other than [him].  That often manifests as men infuriated by women who are looking at their phones.

This is total fabrication--derangement-- by Marcotte, and a glimpse into how far her leftist editors will go to publish the most insane horseshit if it will persuade a dozen voters not to vote for Trump.

Whatever the excuse the angry man concocts, the impetus is always the same: The eyes of a woman are directed at someone or something that is not him, and he is indignant over it. So he will make sure she has no choice but to look at him, either by getting in her face or — in these alarming New York cases — punching her. If he cannot capture her adoring gaze, well, he will make her stare at him in fear.

No.  The attackers are either crazy or drugged out (not much difference).  But Amanda's prose is SO convincing, eh? 

These stories resonate because the nation is [seeing] increasingly unhinged male fury at women for daring to have lives that are centered around something other than catering to a man's every whim. Unleashed by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, there's an upswell of loud male entitlement shouting at us from every corner.

I wonder if Amanda has bothered trying to interview the tiny number of jailed random attackers to ask what motivated them.  Answer: she hasn't.  She's found her "plausible" meme and she's running with it.

We see it in the rise of "tradwives" online...

If you live in a flyover state you may not be familiar with the term "trad-wives."  It's the hip sneer by feminist Democrat "women" for "traditional" wives--women who want to raise families.  See, to hip feminist "pyrsyns" this is an epithet: they hate the idea of women raising kids, claiming that "caters to the patriarchy."  Cool liberal womyn wanna be just like Amanda Marcotte.

...or MAGA pundits telling lies about birth control, in hopes of tricking women into having babies before they're ready.  Or conservatives writing op-eds that blame women for male loneliness, telling women they must self-sacrifice to relieve male pain by marrying Donald Trump voters.

To Marcotte and Salon that last line is the goal: blame Trump for everything, including the random attacks by black druggies and crazies on women in NYC and imaginary op-eds be conservatives telling women they must marry Trump voters!

Both those are utter horseshit--yet to every Democrat and half of independent voters both bleats sound totally plausible.

And sure enough, many opinion polls now claim the race for the presidency is either tied or within a percent.  Say, you don't think the polls would lie, do ya?


New Dem propagandist claims "Truth might be a distraction." And to them, it is

Two years ago a new darling of the Left and Democrats gave a "TED talk" in which she said this:

Seeking the truth...might not be the right place to start.  In fact, our reverence for the truth might be a distraction that’s getting in the way of finding common ground and getting things done.”

Wait...if the two sides can't agree on what's true, how the hell can we find common ground?  And if we can't, who decides what should "get done," eh?

Of course we know what the Democrats and the Left answer: "We'll let the Democrat-controlled senate decide what's true, and then we'll do what the senate tells us we must do.  Simple!"<<

The socialist then adds (helpfully?),

“Now, that is not to say that the truth doesn’t exist, nor that the truth isn’t important. But...[she now proceeds to trash that statement] part of the reason we have such glorious chronicles to the human experience and all forms of culture is because we acknowledge there are many different truths.”

Ohhh, absolutely, sparky!  For example, since 2020 one purported truth seems to be that some murders--by capitol cops killing unarmed females, or illegal alien invaders killing unarmed female joggers--are to be excused without charges, while others--a white male neutralizing a crazy black man who's threatening to kill people on a subway, or a bodega owner attacked by a knife-wielding black who manages to turn the tables--are awful and must be punished.

Those kinds of truths, your worship?  How about these:

Democrat-ruled cities demand that muggers, thieves and rapists must quickly be released without having to post bail.  But people the Democrats don't like are ordered to post a $450 million bond to remain free--later reduced to a mere $145 million.  Or this: some Americans are jailed for failing to pay taxes, while the DOJ refuses to prosecute the connected former crack-addict son of the """president""" for exactly the same crime.

Those kinds of truths, your worship?

The Left and Democrats absolutely swooned over her bleats, because a) they were taught that in college and firmly believe it; and b) it's SO faabulously useful to them.

Now, with debating skills like these--rivaling those of satan himself--what position would you guess this cunning...pyrsyn...has just been appointed to fill?
  a) Secretary of Defense?
  b) Vice-president?
  c) Secretary of Education?
  d) CEO of National Public Radio?
  e) Deputy Secretary of HHS for Health, after she completes her female-to-male "transition"?

Turns out she's the new CEO of NPR.  The socialist who bleats that the idea of "truth" is a "distraction" is Katherine Maher, and she'll fit right in with the mission of NPR and PBS, which is to sell Americans the Democrat party line. 


NY Times website just posted a total hit-piece on Dem presidential candidate RFK jr.

Three hours ago the NY Times website posted a total hit-piece on presidential candidate RFK jr., claiming he had a "dead worm in his brain."   

The hit-piece also claimed 

"over the years he has faced serious health issues, some previously undisclosed, including the apparent parasite.  For decades, Kennedy suffered from atrial fibrillation, that increases the risk of stroke or heart failure. He has been hospitalized at least four times for episodes."

Now: for months now every Lying Mainstream Media outlet has been bleating that "polls show RFK jr. taking more votes from Trump than from biden."  If that were true, obviously the Democrat-fellating media would be supporting RFK, right?

But this piece shows conclusively that the Times (and the Dem party) does NOT want RFK in the race--which tells you the previous bleats about RFK taking more votes from Trump than biden were utter horseshit--as anyone with an IQ over 80 knew all along.

RFK is a leftist.  Always has been.  How many conservatives love leftist policies, eh?

So once again a Democrat lie is exposed.  And the Media expects everyone to forget the MANY stories by the Lying Media bleating that he'd take more votes from Trump than from biden.

So why would the Dem-controlled Mainstream Media have published stories that were such obvious horseshit?

Because they wanted to get conservatives to help the Dems keep RFK off the ballot in as many states as possible.  So obvious.

Prediction: the Democrat-fellating Media will ramp up hit-pieces on RFK jr as November approaches.  The Dems can't allow any challenge to their corruptocrat. 

Source: New York Times

Just when you think the pro-Hamas college shills couldn't get more absurd...

At Case Western Reserve University Pro-Hamas supporters had spray-painted a wall on campus.

Campus administrators hired a contractor to paint over the pro-Hamas slogans.

As the contractor painted, three pro-Hamas protesters--wearing protective face shields--ran in front of the painter to prevent him from doing what the university hired him to do.

Unfazed, he painted them.  Then the absolutely expected twist:  they called the cops and wailed that they had been assaulted!

May 06, 2024

Democrats at The Atlantic go off the deep end (again), claiming...

The screaming, wailing Democrats/socialists/liberals at the Atlantic magazine are flinging even more absurd horseshit trying to discredit Trump and MAGA.  Latest example:

Ahhh, so according to these morons "Autocrats in China, Russia and elsewhere are now making common cause with MAGA Republicans to discredit liberalism and freedom around the world," eh?

Oh, you bet, sparky!  Cuz everyone can easily see that Trump and his supporters absolutely hate freedom, right?

Lord, what are you morons smoking that make you think anyone other than your own zombie followers believe this crap?


May 05, 2024

The U.K. has unlimited immigration. How's that worked out?

Most Americans pay no attention to events in other nations.  "Don' have nuffin to do wif us, eh?"  Just like what happens in, say, New York or Pennsylvania or California has no effect on the rest of us, eh?

(For the brain-dead, that's sarcasm.)

SO...the U.K. was once Christian, and most Brits were law-abiding.  That's changed radically, in part due to socialist politicians bribing voters by promising 'em money, but also because for the past 15 years Brit pols have allowed an unlimited number of Muslims to waltz into the U.K and claim "asylum."  

And how's that working out, eh?  Well...

The mayor of London is Muslim.

The mayor of Birmingham is Muslim.

The Mayor of Leeds is Muslim.

Mayor of Blackburn - Muslim.

The mayor of Sheffield is Muslim.

The mayor of Oxford is Muslim.

The mayor of Luton is Muslim.

The mayor of Oldham is Muslim.

The mayor of Rochdale is Muslim

All these electoral victories were achieved despite the fact that just 4 million of the 66 million people in the U.K. are Muslim.

Today there are over 3,000 mosques in the U.K.

There are over 130 sharia courts.  While they don't have official legal power, not a single politician is willing to buck any ruling they issue.  So effectively, they've seized legal standing.

63 percent of Muslims don't work, instead getting ALL their income from taxpayers--welfare and free housing, free utilities.

Muslim women have an average of over 6 children--all on government welfare.  The average non-Muslim family has fewer than two children.  Do the math.

Every government school in the UK is now required to teach their non-Muslim students about Islam. Nothing about Muslims throwing homosexuals off rooftops, or giving non-Muslims the three choices of the Koran (convert, pay the "infidel tax" or be killed) or any of the bloody history, of course.

No member of the public has ever been allowed to vote on the national policy of allowing unlimited numbers of Muslims to enter the U.K.  And as a direct result, the U.K. is dead.

You may have noticed that in the U.S.--as in the U.K--no American has ever been allowed to vote on the bribem regime policy of allowing everyone in the world into the U.S. if they just cross our southern border.

Somehow deez po' "refugees' manage to have enough cash to FLY to Mehico from around the world, then waltz across our non-existent border, welcomed by biden lackeys wearing "Border Patrol" uniforms, and are immediately given...everything, including free airline tickets to any city in the U.S.

How long before New York City or DC or Seattle or LA or Chitcongo has a Muslim mayor?

Democrat pol: "SO??  Dat jus' fine!  We needs t' haz mo' Muslims running ouah cities!  Cuz Islam beez way bettah den uddah religions.  Yep yep yep!  Look how crime has dropped in London under Khan!"

(For Americans: that's horseshit.)

Thanks, Democrats!  Thanks, China Joe, Nancy, Chuckie, Adam, Nadler, Swalwell, Maxine, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayana Pressley, Mitch McConnel, Paul Ryan, etc.  You've managed to destroy this once-great country better than a war, since none of the buildings or other assets will be damaged.  And if the people will be slaves to your corrupt party, bribed by foreign powers, you couldn't care less, cuz you'll still be rich and connected, just as now.

You did this deliberately.

May 03, 2024

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind

Well well well...cops went into NYU and dragged out the Hamas protesters.  And here's one of the posters the sons of bitches had taped to a column:

NOW, there's a principle that says if your enemy makes an "admission against interest" (for young Americans, that's an admission that would damage him/her or put 'em in a bad light), you should believe it.  The reason is that while they'd cheerfully lie to make you think they mean us no harm, if they're rational (I know, that's very debatable!) they wouldn't admit something that would be likely to cause alarm in most Americans, eh?

If you don't instantly understand that, you really don't need to worry about future.  Go in peace.

SO,..whoever printed this "declaration" seems to have declared war on the rest of us.  So be it.  Just remember that when you kill a handful of innocent American women and children, and the heavens open up and give you a closeup view of the inside of a sun, don't whine to me.  You were warned, you deserve it.  

Just like when your Hamas/Muslim brothers invaded Israel on Oct 7th.  Your moronic allies sowed the wind, and now they've reaped the whirlwind. 

Pro-Hamas protesters at Portland State U destroy library. Photos of the destruction

The earnest, screaming, purple-haired, nose-ring communists who've taken over the quadrangles of 44 U.S. universities have done lots of damage, but nothing like the faggots at Portland State U.  They did over a million worth of damage to...wait for it...the school's library.

See, duh libary [sic] beez duh sekret senter of duh po-leece an' duh Jewish Student Association.  Yep yep yep.  So duh Hamas crew had to destroy it to show duh Man dat dey ain't gon' allow no mo' libariez.

After cops dragged the pro-Hamas bastards out, other students went in to photograph the damage.  Imagine you gave 200 monkeys all the spray paint they wanted, and four days to use it in a library. Here's the result.

You really need to see, oh, 50 or so of these to get idea of the moronic, destructive bent of these bastards.

CIA runs troll farms in Kyiv claiming to be Americans pushing Biden and dissing Trump

A former employee of a Ukrainian "internet troll farm" owned by a Zelensky official, Andriy Yermak, has revealed that his company has been posing as American internet commenters to boost Biden and sneer at Trump.  The former employee showed a video taken inside a troll farm, and a list of internet accounts that the operation uses to influence American voters.

"We were told to do everything to prevent Donald Trump from winning the election.  Each of us had to post at least 3 posts daily, posing as Americas and Europeans, criticizing Donald Trump and praising Biden.

"The Americans even taught us how to understand American politics, the American mindset and the main social and political issues.  The talking points were

1.Unlike Trump, Biden is a smart and experienced politician.

2. Unlike Trump, Biden will never betray NATO partners. Trump will alienate our partners.

3. Biden will not abandon Ukraine. Biden will protect democracy, while Trump is Putin's puppet.

I honestly tried to convince myself it's Okay since Biden is clearly a better option for Ukraine, but it was just too much for me... One thing is to work for the best interests of my country, but interfering in US politics is a whole other thing."

Dem-ruled state gives $827 million CASH to struggling EV-maker Rivian

It won't surprise anyone that states love to have businesses open factories in their states.  Jobs and tax revenue, eh?  Sure.  So it's no surprise that states compete to offer companies HUGE tax breaks to make locating in their state more attractive.  

The tax breaks are either "tax credits" on state income taxes, or a signed deal to not charge the business any "ad-valorum" taxes (taxes on the value of your land and buildings) for a certain period--often ten years.

In corrupt states the deals can allow the companies to SELL those tax breaks to other companies for cash, which keeps the locating company from having to borrow that much money.  Nice.

But as political corruption without charges has expanded, state governors have begun offering companies actual cash grants, paid for by taxpayers.  In the past these amounts were relatively small--typically less than ten million, because taxpayers (voters) would suspect a kickback on larger amounts.

AH, but today...the corrupt state of Illinois (ruled by Dem governor J.B. Pritzker) has just offered Rivian a staggering $827 MILLION in CASH to expand the company's factory there.

Rivian said the money will go toward factory expansion, as well as improvements in public infrastructure and job training for its workforce as the plant — located about 140 miles southwest of Chicago — gears up to make the company’s next generation of electric vehicles.

Now: I'm not quarreling with the concept of states offering a company tax breaks to locate in their state.  And the cost to the state is the same whether it offers tax breaks or cash.  But the HUGE difference is that if a state gives a company cash, the chances of the company NOT using that cash for the proposed purpose go WAY up.  

And yes, I can show you dozens of cases where that happened.  The most notorious is a company called Solyndra, which manage to wangle a half-BILLION government-guaranteed loan from the Obozo regime.  The company borrowed the money, promptly gave all execs huge bonuses, and then declared bankruptcy--leaving American taxpayers to pay off the loan.

Total fraud, yet no one was charge, let alone punished, cuz...Obozo.  Media can't investigate a scandal by the first black preznit, eh?  The corrupt execs were allowed to keep the huge bonuses. 

SO....go find the press release from the Illinois Development Agency (or whatever corruptocrat name they've given it) saying how many people Rivian will hire for this $827 million, and when.  Then compare it to what they actually do.

Problem (from our standpoint) is that the results won't be known for years.  By the time the results are known, people will have forgotten about the huge cash bribe.  Pritzker will be out of office.  And $827 MILLION of taxpayer cash will have gone POOF.

Nice work, eh?

Take a look at the crowd at this Trump rally

Watch this video of a Trump rally yesterday.  Look at how many people are there.  


Compare this to ANY biden "rally."  Who do ya think is FAR more popular with Americans, eh?  Yet as we get close to November the corrupt, lying Mainstream Media will be bleating that "opinion polls" and surveys are showing the two TIED.

They have to show the polls tied in order to make the steal look believable.  

We've all got a ringside seat to the battle of the century.  The Democrats stole the 2020 election, knowing no court would dare throw the nation into uncertainty by delaying biden's installation to investigate the thousands of affidavits claiming massive fraud.  

That calculation has been obvious for decades.  We just never thought a party would dare try massive election fraud.  Both parties counted on members of the other party not to commit election fraud.

Think the GOP has closed all the fraud loopholes for 2024?

Not even close.  Watch for precincts that tally 20% more total votes than eligible voters--with reported vote totals showing 95% of the votes for biden (or whatever candidate the dems replace him with). 

Watch for cops in Dem-ruled cities to order poll watchers out of the counting centers at 10pm, while "counting" is still going on.

Watch for surveillance videos to show Dem election workers "comparing" voter signatures on mail-in ballots to genuine signatures on file from registration, where the two sigs obviously aren't even remotely close--but the corrupt dem "worker" passes them as matching--which we have endless footage of from 2020, but no court would look at it.

Watch for tens of thousands of mail-in ballots with NO POSTMARK to be accepted as valid.  Same thing happened in 2020, and corrupt leftist judges instantly RULED that all such ballots must be accepted as valid.  Already happened in 2020.  Judges ruled as noted.

In most states mail-in ballots require witness signatures to be valid.  Watch for thousands of ballots that don't have those sigs to be ruled valid--just as in 2020.  Cuz duh judge ruleth, "Whut if duh voter cudn't read, so din' know ya had to have witnesses watch you sign yo' ballot, eh?  So if we don' count dis ballot, dat wud be 'voter supression,' eh?"  Already happened in 2020.

Watch for bags or boxes of ballots showing up at 3am with NO chain of custody receipts.  Dey jus' appear frum nowhere!  But hey, we gots ta count deez even if duh paperwork dat show where dey cum from ain''t there!  Cuz papers gets lost all duh time!  An' if we don' count deez, dat beez 'voter suppression,' right?"  Happened in 2020.

Problem is, even after I've pointed out these demonstrated kinds of vote fraud, because corrupt judges rule that you must count those ballots, you can't stop this obvious fraud.

That's why the Mainstream Media MUST show the opinion polls within a percent or two the day before the election--to make the fraud seem believable.

May 01, 2024

"I'm a tolerant liberal, and if you don't agree with everything I say..."


April 30, 2024

Dems: "NO ONE is above the law. Well, unless you're a pro-Hamas protester, or a Dem"

Columbia U:  pro-Hamas protesters break windows to get inside a uni building.  Preznit of the U does nothing.  

Fascinating: Nancy Pelosi, Chuckie Schumer, Adam Schiff et al have been bleating "No one is above the law."  But now, mysteriously, all the students will get off without charges being filed.  The commie university certainly won't press charges.  So you Democrats still bleating "No one is above the law" now?

Nah, you're not.  Cuz in Democrat-run America that's horseshit.

Dem strategist James Carville rants 'If Repubs win you'll have no more rights!'

Democrat strategist James Carville has always been unhinged, but this short clip (17 seconds) summarizes the Democrat position perfectly: 

Carville: "If they get ahold there will be no government left, there'll be no rights left, you'll live in a theocracy, you'll end up Christian nationalists..."

Hey dipshit, do you think Americans have forgotten that Trump was president for four years and NONE of that happened?

You must think we're as dumb as your brain-dead fellow Democrats.

April 28, 2024

"The rubes won't suspect a thing!"

Democrat leader: "For decades the U.S. population rose by a million people a year.  But now birthrates are falling.  Without a constantly increasing number of consumers and workers, we can't make money.  What can we do to fix this?"

Dem lackey: "You need more consumers and workers?  Here's an idea:  Let's import two million aliens every year!"

Dem #2: "Well we do love illegal aliens, but I don't think voters will like that, since they're worried about crime,  drugs, terrorists, diseases, illiteracy and the huge cost of feeding and housing 'em."

Dem lackey: "Don't worry, we'll just tell our media allies not to mention any of those problems.  And if word of our plan should leak we'll just tell voters it's just a 'right-wing scare story created by people who hate non-whites!'
   And ev'rybudy gon' believe that.  An' if a few don't we'll say 'We've only let in po' refugees seeking  Asylum!  Wimmens an' chirrens.  Po' persecuted trannies who wuz almost kilt ev'ry day!"

Democrat leader: "It's brilliant.  Stupid voters won't suspect a thing."

biden bleats "Under my proposal the rich will pay their fair share of taxes!" Well...

A couple of weeks ago biden glowered into the cameras (he glowers a lot) and bleated, "Under my proposal the rich will pay their fair share of taxes!"

That line was clearly crafted to win wild acclaim from the average voter.  How could any working stiff possibly not love "the rich will pay their fair share of taxes," eh?

Wait...biden's DOJ and IRS deliberately ignored Hunty biden's millions in unpaid taxes, deliberately not charging him with criminal tax evasion until the statute of limitations expired.

Think they'd do that for you, peasant?

So...what biden didn't say with his carefully-crafted speech was, "...except for my son, but that's because he not rich!  He jus' live in a $15,000 per MONTH rental overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Santa Barbara.  See?  Not rich, jus' a normal, hardworking American--jus' like you!"  


biden's Labor Department appears to be faking the numbers

For the past two years honest analysts have claimed the biden regime is faking numbers on the economy to make things look a lot better than they really are.  For example, almost every month the jobs report for the previous month says "Great!"  But then the next month--after the bullshit number has done its job convincing the rubes that all is swell, the job number for two months earlier is always revised downward--sometimes by 100,000 or so.

In fact a report from the Labor Department itself a few weeks ago found that the number of jobs claimed to have been "created" in 2023 under Porridgebrain was overstated by a staggering 460,000!
So with that said, someone else has found what appears to be proof that the Labor Department is just making up numbers to suit their political masters.

Every week the Labor Department announces the number of new applications for unemployment insurance, rounded to the nearest thousand, with a high number obviously being bad.  And for five of the last six weeks, they've reported exactly the same number: 212,000.

Considering that the U.S. has 160 million workers, and that seasonality, holidays, and economic vibrations drive the number of people fired ("laid off") each week, it's extremely odd for the number of new applications for unemployment insurance to vary by less than one-half of one percent (1,000 applications divided by 212,000) from week to week.

Just the number of applications incorrectly filled out every week should cause it to vary more than this.
